Why does my Windows 10 Update Assistant disappear?


I just wanted to update / upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 on my laptop. Everything went just fine, the installation started with the assistant. Because it said that you can continue to use the device normally, I did something on the laptop and at some point the assistant was gone. I wanted to open it again at the downloads, then it was said that it was already running. But also in the "applications" of the task manager nothing is shown in the direction. What could that be going on
As I said, the installation had started, my laptop was compatible in all respects. And that I accidentally closed the installation window is possible, but not very likely.

Can someone help me?


It is still running in the background.
Just let it run → Windows 7 will shutdown automatically and Windows 10 will be installed.

That's why I don't use the assistant. I download the .iso and just run the setup from it. Then the assistant does not pull the whole 4, something GB slowly from the network.


Hi there;
Thanks a lot! Means something else happens, even if I as a layperson would think that my laptop simply does "nothing"? He also makes no move to shut down, let alone what I call "work noises". I'm sorry I ask around so much. It only confuses me that I'm doing a rather substantial upgrade, but unlike other updates / installations that I have done so far, nothing is displayed. Precisely because there was an indication at the beginning of how far the upgrade is.


You should be able to see that he is still pulling data over the network.


How can I tell?


If you have no other tool for it or do not want to watch it with the monitor of Windows 7 (Task Manager): NetSpeedMonitor.



Ah, I just found "Network" in the Task Manager. And now the setup display pops up again: -D Then I hope that everything will work now.


If it breaks off → download the .iso first. Then start setup.exe there. It's a lot less stressful.


Thank you, everything went smoothly.


Wonderful. And now you have 1909 on it too?

Window key + R


→ See result.


Jupp, exactly that