Ps4 does not show a screen?


I have 2 TVs, on one TV goes my Ps4 on the other not. The HDMI cable is the same and is not broken and the TV on which the PS4 is not synonymous is not broken because other systems (eg laptop) with the same HDMI Go cable.

What can this be that just the one TV does not see my Ps4 although everything is healty?


Actually illogical. Time through all image sources?


Because the TV can't read the files. Setting item, is in the manual.


But it was always before. It was just a darker screen and I did not change anything in the TV settings. I thought my console was broken but on other devices my ps4 went off.


TV plug out 5 min. Wait and then everything over again - should go.


Try to pull the TV times the plug and reinzustecken and try again… Had recently exactly the same with a Samsung.Software messed up or so…