Can you use the word compulsory like that?


I always used the word compulsory as in the following sentence.

"No, the table for my apartment on which my laptop is on will only come in 3 months, so I put it on my old table as long as it was mandatory."

I now googled what is mandatory, and it says "binding, mandatory, …"

Is it applied correctly in my example sentence?


You probably wanted to say "provisional".


Provisional would be more suitable… But everyone as he likes.


No. I guess what you mean is provisional (temporarily)


No, that is wrong. Compulsory means mandatory

It is compulsory to put the laptop on the kitchen table: it is compulsory to put the laptop on the laptop


Thank you! That was exactly what I was looking for. Was occasionally at sporadic, but that was far from it.
I could have imagined that mandatory would have been correct to the extent that it refers to the fact that it is binding that the laptop is somewhere.


Used completely wrong. Obligatory means "mandatory / mandatory / prescribed".