Is it possible to extract the win10 usb3 driver somehow and then integrate it into a win7 boot stick so that the win7 can be installed?


In advance, please do not come with win10 is better or such clever comments that do not contribute…, I know why I use win7 & want to continue to use… So and now to the problem…

have the problem that I can't get it on a new notebook msi ge73 rgb 8rf, windows 7 because there's no cd drive and only usb3 / 3.1 slots, have already tried to integrate some drivers into the boot stick, but every time i only get to install windows afterwards I get a message that the driver is missing (the usb3 driver) but no matter how I integrate it, it doesn't find any drivers on the stick, I'm also not sure whether they are the right ones, so I thought maybe you can somehow get the usb from the win10 iso Get the responsible person out and integrate it into the win7, with NTLite you can see almost everything, but I have no plan how I get it out, the goal is still to get win7 on it, it legendarily fails because of these usb3 drivers that have to be there somewhere…


Windows 7 does not come with any USB 3 drivers, so there are a few things to consider:


I know that it doesn't bring any usb3 drivers, otherwise I wouldn't have asked for it in the description ;-) and I've been through what is said in the link for a long time and it's clear, I've tried a lot more, I'm not one 0 8 15 user, I've already tried everything possible for 1 day to get the installation running and integrated drivers into the cd (or usb stick), also with cmd dism etc… But every time it howls about drivers and doesn't find any, I need it just something like a universal driver or something like that, that's why I want to extract the win10 drivers if possible and inject into the win7 :-)


In short and for laypeople: Nope!

Either way, the use of Windows 7 outside of the RetroPC scene is a foolishness beyond compare. 🤷♂️


I think if you download one from the internet you can put it on a usb stick, but I don't know if win 7 supports it at all


I faced the same problem with my 1600 Euro notebook 5 years ago. Windows 10 Home was preinstalled there. At that time I didn't like Windows 10 at all, because the betas / previews sucked, in Edge you couldn't even display the most popular websites like if someone remembers it.

I was able to install Windows 7 Professional including SP1, but then it was over. No USB recognized, also the USB 2.0 port on the left, no DVD drive installed and I couldn't get this thing online either (LAN / WLAN). Maybe I could have copied suitable drivers via the SD card in the SD slot on the left, but I didn't think about that at the time:-)

So I bought the upgrade to Windows 10 Pro and have been working with the notebook for over 5 years, thanks to the IT landscapes and adventures. And when I need Windows 7 Pro, I start it in the VM. Or on one of the Windows 7 PCs that are standing next to the table and are happy to be petted and switched on from time to time ;-)

Now we finally come to the long-awaited solution to your problem:


It is very questionable whether Windows 10 drivers will work on Windows 7. Drivers include one or more files (* .sys, …) and an * .inf file. The latter describes exactly for which hardware and systems this driver is suitable.

Perhaps the following works: You are looking for new hardware in Win 7, first you are looking for the correct * .inf file in Windows 10 (often recognizable by the name in front of the .sys) and add this Hhomework in the Win7 device manager. Of course, no file is found, but it shows which files are missing, which you can then "fish" from Windows 10.

I had successfully done something like this within various Win7 installations.

If with this method the message "does not work because of OS" or something comes up, it is because the .inf does not contain Win7. If you are persistent and have failed sleep, you know how to edit the .inf, change it, "cheat" in it… Of course, never change the original .inf! But who am I telling this…

Here's something else:


Oh yeah! Thanks for the link! There seems to be useful here: -D I'll definitely try later with the drivers there, if it works, the other question is XD as much as I've already tried


It was clear that the sone answer comes back, as everyone from microsoft brainwashen, win10 … An operating system that is actually only usable for tablets / smartphones, has tons of espionage & childish tools, a pure bug with security gaps & errors is… That's for I'm more of a fool… If you do more on the pc than just a little bit of internet and office, and do much more complicated things than kidding, then win7 100x makes more sense than win10 and win10 for work! And if you use third-party security software anyway and don't rely on the standard Windows garbage that lets every virus in directly, then you are also safer with win7, I change a lot of the system anyway and don't install standard settings like most and with win10 I have to do for hours when it comes to settings, just to first deactivate all the espionage as well as possible… And win10 is a pure bug! Unstable, insecure, kindergarten (tablet os), absolutely unsuitable for work… But it was clear that such answers would come back…


Ps: the people who use win7 know exactly why, most (not all) only use win10 because they are forced or let themselves be influenced by the media and microsoft and want the latest but have no idea… In practice, install 90 anyway % of the users win10 without thinking about it and having a clue what kind of junk they have there, that is a fact, but however that is not the topic here and does not answer my question


Yes, Windows 7 does not support a USB30, but it seems that the mainboard manufacturers are stepping into the breach.

According to MSI, your mainboard is an Intel HM370

then it would have to be one of these two intel drivers


Unfortunately, I've already tried the driver in the link, and it won't be found when I include it in the boot stick, but thanks anyway


Yes, also xhci handoff in the Advanced menu nicely switched to enabled?