Ssmarthphone after 3 years out of use Apps no more updates?


Have for about 1 year my first smartphone in my life a Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus and from before a Sony Ericsson W 801.

I talked to a colleague and I meant that I will not buy a new smartphone for the next 10 years more for what happens even if the S 20 Plus comes out I still have the S 9 Plus.

He said that I can do it that way but Samsung has a three year rhythm for updates and the apps will not work anymore because Samsung just will not get any updates and it's not going to be usable after three years right?

Smarthphone are not exactly cheap why should I lie in a 3 year rhythm a thousand. I understand that the devices are getting old and eventually get no more updates but after 3 years I can't imagine that the technology of, say, a Samsung Galaxy S12 will be so blatantly much better that the Galaxy S9 gets no more updates.

My mobile phone

Samsung galaxy s9 plus / 256 GB variant

My apps

Perfectly Keyless, Lieferando, Spotify, eBay, Amazon, PayPal, Deutsche Bank, Internet Beta, Telecom Mail, Tipico, Notebook.

I also use YouTube and Facebook because I'm not on Facebook and I do not watch YouTube, Netflix or Sky on the smartphone because the screen is much too small for me, but I can't uninstall it because they were already on it.

Is that true with the 3-year rhythm of Samsung and you should then grow a new smartphone.


Can be quite possible, once had a Samsung S3 and Bach 3-4 years got it no more updates, but the apps were still usable, as long as they have not made an update to a new Android.

However, you can save a lot by buying Apple, Samsung and Co Xiaomi instead. I use those devices myself for two years.


What is Xiaomi?


A very good brand that offers cheap mobile phones. The phones are by no means China scrap but China gold.


There are two different updates. The one for the mobile phone and the one for the apps. The updates for the phone is no longer there after 3 years. Then just use the last updated version on your mobile phone for more years. That works. The updates for the apps have nothing to do with those for the phone. They are renewed again and again. And if not. Then you simply use the last version of the update again. The no more updates do not mean that it does not continue to work but that the system will not be further improved. You can also use it for 20 years if you can do it. Have just an old version on it. But do tuts work


A Chinese manufacturer of smartphones


If you look back, this is a typical history that different manufacturers change over the years and come in the top 10.

Much earlier, it was Siemens and Nokia who led the way, then came Samsung, now Huawei (Honor). Cheap China phones are on the rise because not everyone wants to buy a smartphone for 600 euro.


That's true with about 3 years Android updates. Your S9+ still gets Android 10 and with luck maybe Android 11. Security updates can come a little longer irregularly.

An update on the device will not be disabled after some time. You can (theoretically) use the software as long as you want. The open security gaps remain open, for example.

App updates are available through the Google Play Store or the Galaxy Store. As long as the App Store is still available and the app is compatible with your device, you will also get these app updates.

Newer versions of apps are becoming more complex and may use more CPU power and / or more RAM.

New features for apps will sometimes require newer versions of Android, as new, e.g. APIs were introduced. In your then older Android version, this is missing and you do not get this feature. So new apps can only run on the latest or a very new Android version.

In addition, there's a minimum Android version of Android Apps required. The developer must therefore meet the compatibility for this version. As it takes time, this limit is raised over time.

For the next 2 years, you should still receive system updates from Samsung. Ubd another 3 years of it, there should be no problems with the App compatibility.

That you want to use the device for 10 years, I do not really believe. One or two new batteries would also be necessary for this. After 5 years you will probably look around for a new device at the latest. There are also devices for 100 euro, 200 euro or 500 euro. They serve their purpose too.


Thank you so far understood everything and now I think as soon as I no longer get the new Android version I then the Smarthphone will probably not change 5 years.


Direct change you will not necessarily. If another Android update would come, it would take some time.

Wait until the time has come. Get used to the smartphone world and then decide.