Windows 10 updates not visible?

- in Gaming

I recently sent my gaming laptop to be repaired because I had a problem with the sound, when the device was checked, no error was found and only Windows 10 was refreshed. Without installing the associated updates, of course. After I connected the gaming laptop to the internet for the first time and checked for updates, I was shown a large number of updates, but the number very quickly became much smaller and I have no idea whether they were installed without restarting the device or whether they were simply faded out. Unfortunately I can no longer find the hidden updates. First I installed the updates without a LAN cable and then tried them with, but only had one update with the cable. The problem now with the laptop is that it crashes again annoying blue screen and I don't know which one exactly because it has mostly restarted itself again. This was done within a few minutes, the reboots happened with and without the Internet and once the screen went black and nothing worked, I could cry because I haven't had it for that long and don't necessarily want to buy a new one because it is still new is. (Was a demonstration model) there are two hard disks in the device, one SSD and one HDD.


Windows writes away reasonable logs. Please take a look at the event viewer and look for error entries instead of making wild guesses.