How do I get this oversized wasp from my apartment?


Hello it is summer and I like to sit with open window in my room. But now the problem is that in my small room an extremely large wasp has flown, which is about twice as large as most wasps that one knows so. She is now sitting in a crack between my ceiling and my lamp and has not been there for five minutes. I'm now afraid to go into my room and lie down on my bed or sit at my desk, because this big wasp could come to me at any time. I'm hiding in the kitchen right now and I'm a bit worried that this wasp could sting me or just get too close to me, you know what I mean.

What can I try now as soon as possible that the wasp disappears from my room, because only windows have opened I do not think, since the wasp does not move away from the lamp. Turn off the lights, I do not think so, because I'm afraid that the wasp could fly to my laptop which is still on and I'm afraid to go to my laptop because I have to go under that lamp.

I'm really desperate now what to do so that the wasp disappears as soon as possible. Does one have an idea?


Put on fat, hide face under hood of sweater, put on gloves, with a bucket and plate, catch wasp, shake out of window, close window.


Is crazy, that of course you are always total monster insects on the way.

Ever tried mosquito screens?


If it's twice as big, it's a hornet.

Just open the window and close the door, then gently and slowly shoo it out of the crack with a piece of paper. She will then fly safely out of the window.

She will do nothing.


Could be a hornet, best not to panic and rumfuchteln, because the first will be more aggressive, but stay calm and move you normally.

It would be best if you take a piece of paper slowly, so that it can crawl on it, put a drinking glass over it, and then shake it out in the garden or at the window, then it will fly away.


Ne is probably not at 2.50 m ceiling height


Then maybe scare away with a bath towel.


Yes the hospital around the corner is happy to hear from me


Is be 2.5m ceiling height rather difficult


But no idea how that could come in


Then take a broomstick, so you have more distance.


Gosh, do you really have to chew everything? Take a ladder / easel and frant about hauling the hornet with a long cloth or something until it sits where you get better, or shoo it out right away.


Open the window and turn off the light.

After a short while, the hornet has oriented and flies away, bet that?


Unfortunately not. I hid in the kitchen. Unfortunately, the door has a disc, so she has probably heard the light from the phone and thundered 2-3 times fat against the glass. I thought it was good, but when I opened the door, she was sitting in the ramen. Now I have no idea how I wegkrieg, because the trash cans have no lids and the tuperdosen I certainly do not get over it fast enough and too

What now?


Can't put the phone on the windowsill (of course), then the hornet flies there and then flies to freedom


Just as a question: Have the hornet with ner big transparent plastic salad bowl überweltigt. Unfortunately, this is so, that the salad bowl with the hornet on the floor and I find nothing that I can pack under the huge bowl, so that the hornet does not peel… What now? My writing pad is also gone somehow, so that's it with the paper. Should I just leave it that long until the hornet is dead someday or something?