Windows 10 wireless hotspot frequency range?


I wanted to use my laptop as a Wi-Fi hotspot for my phone that actually works until now. But now came a red message in the settings for "Mobile Hotspot" the frequency range is 5 GHz. My phone seems to receive only up to 2.4 GHz. On Google search came then usually only the answer that you can change the settings, but in the current settings this area is missing. I have compared this with the screenshots and the editing area looks almost exactly the same without changing the frequency range setting. Does anyone have solutions?


Call manufacturer.


It's a holiday, otherwise I would have called there instead of asking here


In the configuration menu of the router you can set in which frequency range this should send. Certainly there's no hook in the 2.4 GHz set. If both frequency ranges are ticked, then should be sent on both frequencies and also received.


This is a laptop that serves as a Wi-Fi hotspot. As I have also communicated in the question. That's why there's no configuration menu as you think