Ubuntu CPU frequency lower than minimum?


I have an old laptop with Ubuntu as the operating system that I use as a server. Until a few days ago I had no problems and everything went smoothly, but recently I have had the problem that everything is slow. When I looked at the CPU info, I saw that the CPU frequency is well below the minimum minimum = 800Mhz. Current frequency == 227Mhz. Cpufreq-utils:

ibb (point) co / mXdbCLQ

Have restarted several times, changed governor and tried to set the frequency manually. Did not work.

Btw the laptop is connected to AC and has no battery.


What is the CPU temperature?


Can you see the output of

cat / sys / class / thermal / thermal_zone * / temp






46500 (cat / sys / class / thermal / thermal_zone * / temp)


46.5 ° C seems to me very little, I would expect such a low temperature in any energy-saving mode.

By the way, are these all the results or just the first line of the output?


Btw I mostly use Glances for system monitoring because you can see the corresponding parameters clearly, the information is of course the same as can be found in the / sys / files.


Even at 100% load it only has a little over 50 ° C. I put a big cooler on it because the laptop is in my bedroom and should be quiet. Is the only issue.


Pretty little for a laptop


Have you ever tried to boot into a new Ubuntu with a stick?


Ok, if there's an extra cooler on it, it's different.
What does the top or htop say about the RAM and CPU usage?


Not yet. I'm not at home right now, so I have no way of setting up a new system. I'll do it in a couple of days, but I'd really like to have used it by then.


MiB Spch: 1939.5 total 104.7 free. 315% occupied

MiB Swap: 2048 total 1995 free 52% occupied

CPU (s): 61.4 to 38.3 sy


Dsnn is your problem. If I read your answer right, 2GB are in the swap and the memory is completely full.

So some program occupies the whole RAM and the PC starts to work in the swap and becomes extremely slow as a result.

I can't say why the CPU is downclocking so far, but the RAM load is far too much and the CPU waits for it all the time.


Oops instead of the% at 315 an MB should also be used. 1500 buffer / cache is still at the end. The highest utilization in Mem is system-journal with 14%.


But are the numbers correct for the swap?

It's quite unusual to have that much swap in use and 104 free at 1939MB of ram to be close to 100% utilization.


A live stick would be enough…


Screenshot of top: https://www.directupload (point) net / file / d / 6074 / nryykv63_png.htm