Can negative Schufa entries be removed by third parties?


I have a negative entry thanks to my father. He ordered a laptop in my name when I was 15.

The whole thing has been clarified and reported him for it. Everything has been clarified with Amazon and the debt collection company.

My question is: Can this entry be removed without problems?


No! That is what Schufa does.


Can the Schufa get that removed without any problems? The debt is no longer on my cap, but on my father's.


No, can't be eliminated.

My question is: Can this entry be removed without problems?

After a certain time, the Schufa will delete entries, you can't do anything yourself… Unless you have paid when you are in debt, for example.

But since you are still a minor, I would ask a lawyer about it.


Unfortunately I'm no longer. I'm now 19 and the whole thing happened 4 years ago.


I would get in touch with Schufa. Are the debts paid off? They are usually left inside for two to three years before this is deleted. I just see that you have processed your question.


My father is currently paying off the debts in installments of 15 euro. I have no more debts, it all went over to my father.

But actually I don't see it as paying for something that I haven't organized, nobody else would do that