Interview on Skype?


I'll have an interview via Skype in the next few days. I received a link to a "Skype for Business" in an email from the company. Since my laptop is very slow, I would use my Samsung Galaxy a5 2017 for the conversation.

My question is: Can I attend the meeting on my smartphone and do I simply have to click on the link sent?


I honestly have never heard

that an interview is even made via video telephony


I'm probably still in the old state

where you first send your application documents by post and with luck you will be invited to a personal interview


Download the corresponding app. (playstore) but you can also dial in by phone or browser.

However, they may want to see you via webcam. Therefore the notebook may be the better choice.


You seem to have been in a coma for the past half year. This happened before Corona and since Corona it has become completely normal.


Yup, should work. In times of Corona it is not uncommon for it to be done that way.


Do you have good video resolution over the phone? It would be nice if they could see you too.


Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, the camera in my laptop somehow doesn't work.

How does it usually work? In my interview invitation there's a blue field with the note "Attend a Skype meeting. Do I just have to click on the bar and log in as a guest?"


Yes I have that in my opinion

I just don't know how it all works because this is my first time taking part in this type of interview

In my invitation to the mail there's a corresponding note where it says "Participate in a Skype meeting". If I click on the field, I can register or participate as a guest. As the process proceeds, I should probably enter the name or a password. Unfortunately I'm a little overwhelmed


I haven't been a guest for a long time, but theoretically yes.
Do you have headphones for your headset? Would be recommended, because they often want to see the candidate's face.


Is a headset mandatory or will the sound quality not be good if I don't use a headset?


A little tip: you should be able to enter the "meeting room" now. None of them will be there, and you can check your settings.


I don't know how good that sounds with a mobile phone via app or browser without a headset.


Then I'll go buy one. Unfortunately, I now have the problem that the invitation or email has completely disappeared because I tried to install the Skype Web app on my notebook; (The email or invitation can't be found, what do I do now.

oh man and that 2 days before the upcoming conversation


You still have 2 days. Take a look at your calendar.
Usually the invitation email disappears there.


Infinite thanks. I found the invitation email in my calendar;)

Is there a way to virtually start a test using my Asus notebook? A few days ago I tried to contact myself via Skype with a test call, but then I was informed that the camera was switched off. I'm worried that the camera will not turn on via my notebook and am now in a bind -.


Just click Join Meeting.

I just did that with a meeting that was due tomorrow and I was able to get into the room now.
Furthermore, Skype has a so-called test call somewhere. First you can say something after an announcement, and then it will play it back to you.

It will be important in the conversation that you appear to be well prepared. But if the sound isn't right there at the beginning, no one will tear your head off.


Thank you really very much


In the meantime I have logged on to Skype and made a test call. The sound and the camera work.

When I try to join the meeting, I'm asked to enter my name so that I can then take part in the conversation. If I understand correctly, then I'll be put on hold. Should I just leave my notebook and the programs switched on until Wednesday and then do I automatically take part in the appointment?

I sincerely ask you one last time for advice


Write me a PM. But you don't have to stay dialed in.


No, you don't have to stay dialed. You go in there on Wednesday a few minutes before the start and then wait for them to "let you in".


Thank you Stellwerk


And why are you repeating what I already said in my comment,

had written that I'm probably still old