PC or laptop hardware?


I would like to know if laptop hardware is worse for 24/7 operation than PC hardware.

Most of the servers run with PC / server hardware and are also powerful to upgrade… With e.g. 64GB RAM, Intel Core i5 with 6 cores etc.

However, a Mac mini now also has up to 64GB RAM and a 6 core i7, but consists of laptop hardware.

So what would be better now? Buying a big loud server, or a small quiet Mac mini with almost as much power?


It depends on what you are going to do with it and on what scale.

Because, especially when the applications are scaled up, the performance of a real server is no longer "almost as much" as that of a Mac Mini.


With good cooling, laptop hardware since it does not need to be cooled as much as desktop. However, since laptop hardware can't necessarily be expanded, desktop hardware is better. Basically everything can be operated 24/7 if the cooling is correct and the mechanical parts (hard disks) are serviced


So on the Mac mini, an MC and TS server should run and another cloud


You can't compare server hardware and user hardware for PC's directly, server hardware has its strengths especially in multiple applications and with long-lasting performance, mostly these are installed as efficiently as possible for low power consumption. And cores are not direct = same performance, no matter whether 6 or 32 cores, whether your server can now provide the same performance does not depend directly on it, since it also has the general processor performance, threads ect. And servers aren't loud either, mine doesn't make any sound.


So that would be a good thing too, because I've heard that laptop hardware is not so well designed for 24/7 operation and quickly e.g. Slowly


Then we're not talking about the classic use case of a server.

The MacMini may have 64Gb of ram and be enough for your small MC and TS server without problems. A much cheaper mini desktop is enough for that.

But when we speak of servers in the server sense, they are designed for many instances of virtual machines or even huge databases. You won't get very far with the 64Gb Mac mini.


Only if there's sufficient additional cooling. Slowing down is a protection against overheating so that the parts do not break


The Mac Mini is so quiet because Apple doesn't care if the hardware gets hot, that's exactly what they do with their MacBooks. It also costs performance, but they don't care either, because the customer still pays for the theoretical, maximum achievable performance. And servers are often rather noisy, because cooling performance has absolute priority and reliability is very important.

But you can also take a middle course, there are enough desktop computers that are equipped with quiet, but effective cooling, especially if you buy from a specialist or build yourself. And it is a fact that excessive temperatures have a negative impact on the life of the components.

In contrast to a Mac Mini, a desktop computer can also be equipped with appropriate hard drives suitable for 24/7 operation.


But e.g. The industrial PCs from Siemens are also designed for 24/7 and also have laptop hardware and no special cooling


But they have reasonable air and some have water cooling. As already said, when certain temperatures are reached, a processor clocks down independently of desktop and mobile


A laptop can never deliver as much power as a PC. That means a GTX 1660Ti e.g. A laptop can't give as much power as a GTX 1660Ti in a PC.


No, where is there a fan? https://www.ebay.de/...=116274603


It is guaranteed not only to be passively cooled. That is safe a fan in there


Bro, I have the xD at home. It has no fan or water cooling


You are actually right, but the parts are cooled via the outer walls. In addition, according to the manufacturer, it is recommended to place the PCs in a room where the temperature is below room temperature because otherwise the full performance can't be used