What hardware for Half-life Alyx?

- in Gaming

Once again I need your expertise. As the title suggests, I want from March 2020 to indulge my senses of another part of the Halflife series. Unfortunately, I'm faced with the dilemma that I left the gaming and hardware scene 10 years ago and thus have no idea what hardware I should get.

My goal is to play Halflife Alyx using Valve Index, with the best possible graphical quality.

Since I currently use MacOS, I have no other usable hardware.

Now the question arises whether it should be a notebook (after I have neither mouse, keyboard or screen) or a stationary PC and which interior of this device must have to provide an adequate experience.

The price is of course in the foreground, because the whole fun is already relatively expensive, for the expected 20 hours of fun.

I thank you in advance for the help.


Simply read under the minimum requirements.


I had already read that. However, the minimum requirements are not helpful.

Unfortunately, I do not have the knowledge to be able to estimate whether these minimum requirements are already high. Next is perhaps someone who can estimate from the minimum requirements to the Recommended.

Nevertheless, I thank you for the answer.


More is not yet. And yes, the minimum requirements are already very high.

Feels like that are 16 GB of RAM and a RTX 2070 Super. An i5 new generation should be enough. Or then a R5 3500th Possible that you should go there on an i7 or R7.


Great thanks for the help!

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