Alicia online NSIS error?


To all those who know something better about computers and video games: I've been playing Alicia online for quite some time and it just gets stuck on the 'load screen', but I know how to fix it. I'll go to Alicia_setup_008.exe normally, but after loading (please Wait while setup is loading… Verifying installer: …%)

, NSIS Error. Installer intergrity check has lazy. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Conatact the installer's author to obtain a New copy.
More Information at:

I also had that, Alicia re-downloaded online, fixed issue. However, that does not work. I have certainly downloaded it 5 times and restarted my laptop.
Anyone have any tips on what I could do to get Alicia Online running again?
As a little information: I have a windows 8.1 and me ever as 200gb free memory.


Then the file you are downloading is already incomplete on the server. You can't change that. This must be corrected by the one who provides the download.


Mh, would it help if I switch the search browser? Because with all my friends the game and the download works perfectly…


No idea what a search browser is. But switching the browser would not help. Since nearly one day has passed, it could have been solved by the provider. If not, it may also be due to your internet connection.


So I have a select a name for your horse thing stuck on my screen so I now cant play I am rlly upset as it is my fave game but now I cant play it due to something being stuck on my screen as soon as I long and and can not press anything plz help


Hallo c: Ich weiß, es ist lange her jedoch lesen sie es vielleicht trozdem. Ich habe seit gestern dasselbe problem und hab echt alles probiert… Haben sie es hinbekommen? Wenn ja können sie mir helfen?