Technical question about laptop battery?


Do you know why a battery for a laptop has multiple contacts? Mys from Fujitsu has 10.8 volts and has eight contacts for transferring electricity to the laptop. Weiso not only 2 for plus and minus?

I have measured with a multimeter: If I measure the 2nd contact from the left and the contact on the far right, I come to 11.2 volts (ie about 10.8). Why then but the other 6 contacts?


There are several functions on a battery.

Z.b charge control, active control, distribution of voltage, etc. Each manufacturer has deposited different functions on the battery. Often also "data interfaces" which are read out.


Because the battery has various sensors, charging electronics, etc. Which communicate with the laptop.


Charging a laptop battery is a tricky business. Generally, loading several cells must be closely monitored. The technical term is battery management system, which differs depending on the battery technology used in the effort.

Technical question about laptop battery

The balancer monitors e.g. In a lithium-ion battery pack, the state of charge of each individual cell and compensates for the always existing differences in the battery characteristics. All rechargeable batteries differ minimally, which must not be neglected and must be monitored.

In addition, the maximum charging voltage and the value of the still allowed deep discharge is checked, and for each cell individually.

This requires the contacts on multi-cell batteries and in the notebook