Can screens be monitored?


At my university it says that you monitor the screen during an online exam, so you have access to my laptop, so to speak. Can something be like that, or do they just want to scare the students so they don't cheat? During the exam you will definitely be monitored by a proctor via webcam. I find it strange to think that the (foreigner from abroad) has complete access to my laptop (data protection?!)


This is only possible with programs or browser plugins like Proctorio or something. Is of course completely against data protection and as far as I know there are already lawsuits.


I suspect that an extra program must be started for the exam, and then YES it is of course possible to completely monitor the PC.

The technology has been around for years and is used more often (DE not so easily allowed here) to monitor company PCs and to prevent unauthorized or unauthorized use.


Which program do you use for the video conference?


I think there's no special program, you need an external webcam, e.g. My cell phone which I have to connect to the laptop. Keyboard & face are monitored by cell phone