Separate phone SIM card and separate data sim card?


I would like to grow my smartphone for the first time at the age of 55 years, take my mobile phone number for years, I have an older phone sim card for 5 euro a month, with which, I believe, can't dial into the Internet, also have a newer data Charge Sim Card from the Laptop? Can I use both in a new DuoSim smartphone? Can there be greater costs.


That's fine.

You can adjust which card should go to the internet.

To make calls you can then choose between two cards.


You can also take your number with you, which is no longer a problem nowadays and easier to park than for some backwards.

Sit down best with your provider / or future provider together.

You can also go to the big stores… T-Com Shop / Vodafone and what they are called - but also use other providers -

like or Klarmobile.

They are then online for you. Contact number, or chat for free so talk to one of them via keyboard - works quite well. And they are happy to help you.

Setup of the phone then you have to study the manual - the settings may be different from device to device, therefore…

But go do everything.


PS. Go to Saturn in the cell phone department. There sits the negotiator - I just can't remember the name…

He can make you a super tariff. For example Flat in all nets and Internet for 10Euro what then the effort with laptop map and CO.

Also there you can immediately request your phone number porting. Finished.


One important thing always comes to mind!

At O2 you have to agree to the EU regulation itself - That's the phone and surf EU far to the German tariff is not automatic in O2 in it and that can be expensive. It only costs you nerves - and calls 100 times with the service hotline. Whether this news is still so - I do not know. In any case, it was still the case in 2018.

Is just a hitch which one must put online in his profile - cost nothing more - Only if you do not know you are smarter afterwards.

Or you can do it right at the conclusion of the contract - if you decide for O2.


Hello User1963, whether the device, which you use that can, you should take the manual. However, I now ask the question in the room, why you use two cards and not one that can do anything. I offer you that we both can make calls and then see if we have something for you on offer. Greeting Kai M. Telekom helps


I've just got the 10-year-old Vodafone phone sim card and the one-and-a-half-year Congstar data sim card.


All right and thank you for your answer. Offer is available. Please come to me if necessary.

Kai M. Von Telekom helps