Virus reinstallation?


I downloaded something and got the receipt with a virus and it installed zich things on my laptop. I was able to uninstall and delete most of them, but a few things just couldn't be deleted and I couldn't end the processes in the task manager because they were back a second later, so I reset the laptop, had the drive cleaned and everything deleted. Now that it's reset, there still seem to be a few, these are. Now I'm not sure whether it belongs to windows itself or whether there's still a fraction of the virus (before the reset and reinstallation, I was always directed to the virus folder, which could not be deleted when I opened the file path)

Didn't sleep all night because as a layman I tried to save my laptop and maybe it's just paranoia now, so I'll just ask

Virus or normal Windows processes


Why do you have windows if you are so afraid of viruses? With windows it is logical that you get viruses there more often. If you want to be sure whether the virus is still there, overwrite the entire hard drive at least 5 times, then nothing should be left of it.


Huh? That has nothing to do with the operating system. Window's is very safe to do so


I was more concerned with the fact that in between I couldn't even use the laptop because it did things by itself. That justifies my '' fear '' of viruses.


Well windows has windows defender, which is also very good, but that apps are always delivered with their own installer and that you install them over it is not very safe and windows is an operating system that almost all people use, especially those who don't have knowledge of computers and viruses. Due to this large number of users and this ease of installing a virus, there are of course many viruses for windows and the probability that you will get one is then of course greater


Please post even smaller screenshots with even less information so that we can guess broader what is on your box. I would have installed Malwarebytes after resetting and scanned Windows with it. What is the result, does Malwarebytes find what malware?


And what are the bad things that your laptop does? The worst that can happen is that all of your data ends up on the internet. If you find that scary you shouldn't use windows


I usually only go to pages where I'm sure what will bring them to zero.

In addition, I use windows because of the games. I need win 10. And I'm often in xbox parties


If it bothers you that you keep getting viruses then don't use windows but a different operating system on which you don't get viruses that often


Troll elsewhere


Yes, you should also use windows but the questioner goes to all websites and does not pay attention to whether you could get a virus and probably does not gamble with a laptop


That's not a troll, i'm just saying that it doesn't make much sense for you to use windows because the probability of getting a virus there's very high compared to other operating systems.


Malwarebytes has only scanned half of them but luckily has not found anything so far

The pictures are from the task manager. More is not there but if I go to the file path of both processes there's change date 01/10/21 17:28 and 17:30 for sub-folders in both. Which is not possible because we only have 11 o'clock


The questioner does not belong to the alleged 99% who pay attention and the windows defender is very good that is correct but still not sufficient to avoid getting a virus. Of course, the risk is higher under windows than under most other operating systems. If there are more viruses overall, the probability of getting one of the many is higher, and if the apps also come with their own installer and are not carefully checked beforehand (i.e. Not by the windows defender, which is too bad for that), it can be easier install a virus.


Since someone really has a lot of idea ^^ I don't comment anymore, it's pointless.


If you have a virus, only reinstall Windows will help. Cleaning up with ANtivir or similar is never perfect. You never know whether the (known) virus has loaded other (unknown) viruses that the virus scanner does not recognize.