Exchange laptop for performance?


I was given a list from the school, which states what services our laptop must have. In retrospect, we were told that some of the list items are irrelevant to us.

Oh well. I have already created one during the holidays and could save 200 euro, if I leave out the irrelevant functions for us.

Is it possible to exchange the laptop for something like that? I have not got him a month yet and he is almost unused. The original packaging is still in my possession.

It really annoys me that my school has made no effort to renew the list and that I have now paid so much for nothing.

He is also intended only for school / professional purposes.


When the 14 days are over, you can only hope for the trader's goodwill. Get in touch with support and tell him about the situation.


The exchange is often goodwill, if you have not bought the laptop online (14-day cancellation period, there are exceptions such as Amazon).

You just have to look in the terms and conditions of the shop, otherwise just ask there directly. A justification that is legally binding is not this. That is no shortage…

Good luck, maybe the dealer agrees. You can only try it.


But Haendler can do nothing. He has sold you the device according to your specifications and will certainly not take it back.


Almost unused?

Used is used and so it is no longer a new device and can no longer be sold as new or would you want to buy an "almost unused" laptop as a new device; since you would probably feel cheated easily, right?

Exchange excluded


14 days? I thought a month D


I bought the laptop in a shop near me. Do other deadlines apply?

Okay thanks. High is not the probability that the dealer will get involved, because he would go down 200 euro or not?


Yes, if you buy something online you have 14 days, because you can't inspect the goods on the spot.

But there are exceptions, such as Media Markt and larger houses that provide the exchange locally. This is often found in their terms and conditions. Here is a Linnk:

Yes, I would try it anyway. Questions do not cost anything. You could agree on a voucher or something similar. If that brings you something.

Otherwise, keep him and look forward to the extra power, which you can use so synonymous. Although I can understand that 200 euro is a lot of money for a student. Just ask nicely in the shop ;-)


To put it more precisely, I switched on in 2 - 3 times and just looked at the picture and the speed. So the internet opened shortly and also some pictures from the internet then looked at (because of the colors). Not more. No installations or what you can personalize everything. He should also be exclusively for school and until we start working, it will take a while. So nothing happened in the direction.


Yes in the "offline" market you have no right of withdrawal. Nevertheless, many dealers give the 14 days off grace.


Thank you so much! Then I will look there and try it again. Thanks for your help and the time you have taken for this.


Bought is bought, a general return policy does not exist. Only in very few exceptions there's 14 days right of return, eg. When ordering online by a private person at the online retailer. If you have ordered or bought the device in the store, the dealer does not have to take it back. But some traders make it out of goodwill anyway. So ask if a return is possible and on what terms. The traders who grant a return policy out of goodwill do not have to refund the money but can also offer a credit.

Questions do not cost anything


Well, he was unpacked and used anyway. This is no longer new. If someone tells me that a laptop has ever been sold, unpacked and used, I would accept a purchase only for a discount. So I do not think that will be profitable.