Notebook for Computer Science Studies?


I will soon start a computer science degree and unfortunately do not know me with hardware and co.

Therefore, I would like to know if this laptop is suitable for a computer science study


I would also think that it would be rich if you work a lot with graphics programs then I would advise to a more powerful gpu


It is a computer science degree. Do you know if you will work there a lot with graphics programs


Ne normally not


Maybe it helps you to ask your fellow students some of whom have already been informed about the requirements that this study poses to a pc


For a computer science study there are good offers especially for students, directly from manufacturers in part. Get something sensible from the beginning. No compromises, because for top performance you need top tools.


Adobe viewer and ne ide does not eat that much


Nonsense. There are a lot of high-computationally intensive algorithms (AI and machine learning) as well as applications with 3D graphics (VR and AR). You definitely need a lot of steam in the boiler.


But if he does that, he will rather have less contact in his normal computer science studies. Computing-intensive algorithms might be more, but that just takes a bit longer. In addition, there will certainly be at the university / FH computer.


That fits. In the end it would have done a used computer or a Diskount laptop.

I personally would gain a CPU-strong & RAM-strong laptop for the computer science study. This is how your algorithms or programs run faster.


For this we always had some supercomputers in the institutes. I can't remember having ever used computing power during the Bachelor or Masters.


Of course, if you do not have an endless budget then you have to make some kind of compromise. But in addition to the pure computing power (you can never have enough of that, even though it may not be vital in every way), there are other things as well, such as good screen good keyboard, and above all, long battery life. And if you want to splurge on status you have to buy Apple. However, for some time the keyboard has been a total disaster on the newer models.