Is it possible to attend a computer science lecture without a laptop?


Hi. Since I currently have no laptop and my new in the coming days, I have a problem. And I have my first computer science lecture tomorrow in my studies. I have computer science as a minor subject, since I learn the program. Is it possible to learn something there without a laptop? How important is a laptop in the lecture? Do I have to do something with my laptop?


We never used a laptop during lectures.


Depends on your lecturer, I personally have used my own computer in my computer science studies only once in a very specific situation and otherwise I did not get along in lecture as well as for exercises or homework by working on pool computers or from home out.

As a rule, the lectures are too big for the lecturer to be able to effectively show what they are doing directly themselves. There are usually exercises, where you can ask questions in a one-to-one interview.


And that's exactly how it was with me.

During the lecture, using a notebook has the disadvantage of being less focused.


The first lecture is mostly about organizational matters + a rough introduction to the topic (what are the objectives of the course, when do tutorials take place, how do I submit the exercises)?

Otherwise you generally need at the university, even in computer science, no own laptop (at least not for normal lectures and exercises), exceptions lectures / project presentations might bring along). If you need one, it will be announced in advance AND the course will take place in a PC room.

Whether you want to co-program / try things in parallel is a question of type, in many introductions to computer science etc events programming is only a very small part of the content (as well as in the whole study).