Write history ideas?


Since I've been in the closed psychiatric ward for a week, I have a lot of time. Unfortunately my laptop was taken from me, where are my two stories that I want to publish.

Now, however, I would like to start a story that is simply a distraction, but I lack any inspiration.

Do you have cool ideas or just keywords? I would be glad.


When your laptop is gone - how do you communicate with us now?


I'm 15 and am writing a book myself. This is really fun I can give you tips only I need to know in which direction you like to write


There are various keyword generators in the network. Otherwise you can google for writing prompts, there are very different options and you can choose what is best for you as inspiration.


Do a cluster brainstorming. This is how you come up with your own ideas. This technique is used Used by professional writers to overcome writer's block.


Cell phone maybe.


Do you think But if the notebook is taken, then certainly other devices, right? I have no experience, but I could imagine it.


I've already wondered


Mysterious death
Friendship lost through misunderstanding
Dreams, you know, they mean something, but not what and you are scary
Magical encounter that no one believes you investigate on your own
Holidays in the country, you don't feel like it, but you realize how nice it can be
Holidays by the sea are terrified of it, but can gradually overcome them when you make friends with a dolphin
Soul animals
Mysterious computer game / program (like Erebos)
Magical fantasy world (Eragon)
Distant Galaxy (Star Wars)
Genetically manipulated beings have to hide in order not to become a science sensation

Now that's what I spontaneously think of all sorts of genres.


I don't really know either. But I could imagine that you can keep your cell phone to keep in touch with important people. You don't need the computer for that.

Or, maybe the cell phone is taken from you, but you get it back for half an hour every day or something?


I have to constantly charge my laptop and the cable could tempt me. Therefore, I have to give my cell phone to the maintenance department to charge it.