In my YouTube history are constantly foreign videos?


Every few days, I constantly find videos in my YouTube watch history.
The process is paused, when I activate history I see shortly thereafter foreign (Arabic, Chinese, English) videos that I have not viewed.

My password is changing every few days at the moment.
Have logged off all my devices. Two steps log in via my cell phone. Save password is off.
All PC, laptop, mobile phone with Kaspersky checked for malicious programs.

Otherwise, I did not notice any change on my Google Account.


So if you change the PW regularly at short intervals (hope not from 1234 to 0000: D), then it is very, very unlikely that your account was hacked. I would rather tap on a bug from YT, a mistake in the databases.

Turn on 2 Step Auth. Then you only get in the Acc., If you confirm it by mobile phone.

Probably. Do you make yourself a new Acc., If you only used to look and are not a creator.


"Two steps sign in via my mobile enabled"


Thank you, I have read over. Then there can def. Nobody in! Google has introduced the 2 step as there was an incident in the US a few years ago where YouTube Acc. Hacked by employees of MCNs and thus within the CMS very sensitive data were retrieved. That's why this "bombproof" sys was introduced.


I have the same problem.
I tried to reach something in YouTube Help Forum, but I have not had an answer for 8 days.

Post there regularly what goes on my account and I hope somebody will get in touch with you soon.

If you still have the problem, feel free to add a comment in the help forum:


Thank you.
It continues to pester me, every three days pauses my course, I turn on and find strange foreign Vdeos.


Unfortunately, no change.
I just uninstalled Gramblr.
Kaspersky finds nothing.