What is more sustainable (environment, electronics, paper)?


A: Buy a laptop and use it to write and work for several years.

B: Use the classic old paper whenever you have to write.

To A…

… The manufacture of the device seems negative to me. The procurement of raw materials and the exploitation of poor people and possibly animals.

On the other hand, it seems positive to me that you can always open a new Word document without constantly needing wood (paper).

Provided, of course, that you don't print the documents afterwards, but send them by email… And use the device for a few years.

To B…

… It seems negative to me that more and more trees have to be cut down for production. If there's more and more logging, especially if the rainforest is kept being felled, at some point we will no longer have any. What would not only have fatal consequences for its inhabitants, the rainforest is, so to speak, the lungs of the earth.

On the other hand, it is positive that a sheet of paper does not require as many raw materials as a laptop. The disposal of paper is also much more environmentally friendly.

How do I live more environmentally conscious, more sustainable and why?

(So please justify your choice.)


Now the great thing about technology is you don't have to buy a new one, you can even write and work xD from me with an old xp folding computer

Therefore, the waste of raw materials would be almost zero, what you use in the end affects the production but almost zero, only the mass makes a difference. All of the office paper that is used, and that is not all waste paper, can't outweigh your 100 sheets a year.


Renewable, recyclable raw material. The main negative here is the water and energy consumption.

Ultimately, it will be up to the amount of writing which way is better.


It depends. If you really have a lot of office work and only buy a new computer, say 6 or 7 years, A otherwise if you create say 100 sheets or so in a week. Need, but buy a new computer every year, B

In any case, the recycling rate for paper is higher. But you still have "by-products"

like power consumption, filing cabinets, pens, maybe ribbons for the mechanical typewriter etc…


Since you can easily make writing paper from recycled paper and you can buy it, that might be better.

It also depends on how electronic the environment is. If you keep getting paper in your hand and are supposed to deliver on paper, the laptop is not much more gentle.


I would tend towards A.

Because: no ink has to be produced for a mail, no ballpoint pen has to be assembled, no letter created, no postage stamp created / bought, no tree cut down, no truck driving, other people employed for the transport.

if you have to process 200 mails a day. I would imagine how it would be purely analogue with a letter.

ok for a pc a lot of rare earths and chemicals have to be produced. But if this pc lasts for several years without having to renew it, it is ultimately worthwhile for the environment if it can now be recycled or repaired can. If so much the better.


So I don't have a lot of office work. The typical student consumption, for homework and such or pictures that you sometimes draw at home.

So purely for school, I inevitably need a laptop and paper. It depends on what is being done.

But how is it more environmentally friendly now? If I do my HÜ exclusively electronically (not print, but send) or if I do it on paper in the traditional way?

Doing and printing electronically is not good then, is it?


Anyway, I'm someone who hates throwing away useful things, even when they're old.

As long as it goes and everything you need can be kept is my motto.

And I also like to tinker with the device to get it going again.


Of course that's not good, because then you have both.

but what is more environmentally friendly per side really depends on the amount.


Yes, I can't change it either. You can't go to school without a laptop, but neither without a piece of paper.

But could you be a little more specific? How is my homework greener now?


No, because a.) I neither know the exact scope of the house fees, nor the power consumption of the device, etc.

I can only say so much:

It is environmentally friendly if:

if possible, the use of paper AND computers is avoided
when painting, drawing etc. No felt-tip pens are used
Recycled paper is used
the computer is not replaced every 2 years because the tim has a fancier one.


OK thanks.

So it's best not to do it in the first place, then I won't waste anything. 🤣🤣🤣


It's like vegan homework then. They don't eat anything right either, and still somehow cheat their way through life.

Incidentally, I would totally suck if Tim had a newer MacBook than me. But then I would steal it from him. It's much more sustainable than buying one. And cheaper too.


True words! Unfortunately, I don't know any Tim, which takes the opportunity to steal a nice, new MacBook.