How long do you need to be familiar with a notebook including MS Office Word and Excel if you have no idea with daily practice of 2 - 3 hours?


How long do you need to be familiar with a notebook including MS Office Word and Excel if you have no idea with daily practice of 2 - 3 hours?


Two to three days.


Depends on the complexity, a lot is the same, but it's about the depth of things. Some are 3 hours, others 3 days


I think that's a bit short. Our MS Office course lasted 6 - 8 weeks back then. Incl. Exam.


You are welcome to think so. But doesn't change anything…


I ask myself why courses last 4 to 6 weeks when you can learn that in just 3 hours. Think again about what you are writing.


Learn to read, it's about the complexity. Using pure word and excel is explained in 3 hours. From then on there's something special that might not be needed. From serial letters with database connection to macros recording in excel.

you don't know that beforehand. The pure operation is after 3 hours. Practically, if you are good at searching, in the network, you don't need more. He fetches the rest if necessary.

i can also do courses that last 6 weeks and does that have any meaning?


Sorry, I think you're exaggerating. It's about someone who has never had anything to do with a notebook. He will be happy to be able to use the notebook at all for the first 2 days.


I was a lecturer, so do not explain to me what you now set for eventualities that do not even appear in your question. Do you have any problem with me not agreeing with your opinion? If you know better anyway5. Why do you even ask.


Then you didn't have a clue yet!