15 euro / month too little as a language teacher?


I'm teaching my Italian half sister, her sister-in-law and mother-in-law German because they recently moved here. You started a language course, but didn't get along well because everything started so quickly and complicated.

We have lessons three times a week for 1.5 hours. I do all the worksheets and tests on my computer and print them out myself. All of this costs me a lot of time and effort, it is not easy for me either because I'm not a real teacher. Nevertheless, I like to do it.

in total they want to give me 15 euro pp per month. I have the feeling that this is not enough for all the work.

What do you say? Are 15 euro a month per person for a total of 4.5 hours a week, plus hours of work / preparation at home and consumption of laptop, printer (including ink and paper) justified or too little?


You have to know that yourself.

- Do you see them as family, friends or just acquaintances / strangers? If you are a family, you may want to rethink your job; business and family should actually be separated.

- How much contact / did you have (before) with them?

- Do you like doing the work?

- How much money do your apprentices have?

- Don't you have anything else to do?

My opinion:

I don't think it's your job. You are paid MUCH TOO MUCH for what you do. Either you do it voluntarily and without money, but maybe with a lot less effort or it is your job. Think of the minimum wage, haha.

Your family situation is difficult for me to estimate, for example I also have half siblings and I live with them from the start. Your relationship in the family plays a big role, I think.


The contact with my half sister is good, but not as good as that with my "real" sister. All 3 go to work full time, they are 25-50 years old. I have a part time job.

and somehow I see it as a mini job. I like doing that but the 45 euro a month. Hmm. I also do not know exactly.


45 euro are ridiculous for something like that. Talk to them about the price and if they don't raise it too much, the question is again up to you. Do you like doing it enough or is it a waste of time?