Yesterday I bought a new monitor. He supports 144hz, of course, I did not inform me and so I did not know that you have a DVI port or HDMI 2.0 (for 120hz). Now my laptop has neither DVI nor HDMI 2.0, the only thing there would be a Thunderbolt port. Now I wondered if there's not an adapter from Thunderbolt to DVI-D, which supports at least 120hz.
What do you have for a notebook?
What is right on your notebook before the lan connection?
HDMI 1.4 and then Thunderbolt 1st generation (I think)
Take the hdmi 1.4 and try it all out.
Depending on the version of the Thunderbolt port of your notebook, you can certainly get adapter solutions from Thunderbolt (Ver. X) to HDMI (Ver.
I already have a maximum of 85hz
You have practically a Mini DisplayPort connection on your notebook, your screen also has a DisplayPort connection?
No just not why I wanted to know if there's an adapter from Mini Displayport to DVI-D, so that would work
Yes, there are as well and if that works but I can't tell you. Just ask at the well-known electrical markets or look on the Internet.