How do I know that a laptop really has 8GB Ram?


I had bought a laptop that was listed on the website where I bought it with 8 GB of RAM. After an analysis I found that only 6 GB is available and the other 2 GB may be reserved for something else. How do I find out how much GB of RAM a laptop really has in the future before buying it?


You can either use the "Computer" icon (if available) on the desktop with the right mouse button → Properties to open a small overview or alternatively you can use e.g., that spits you a lot more out of memory.


If only 6 GB are freely available and 2 GB reserved, then you have 8 GB of RAM. Reservations from the operating system, for example, are normal and do not have to be specified when selling.


It may be the case that memory must be reserved for certain hardware components (graphics and sound chips) because they do not have their own memory. Your Läppie already has 8 GB RAM, but 2 of them are necessary for other things. The OS and several applications also need memory, which of course can then no longer be used for anything else after booting up.


The free tool Speccy can show you the inside of your PC very clearly.


Just look in the BIOS to see how much physical RAM has been installed in your system.

If there's a value of 8192 MB or multiplied by 1024 for KByte or byte, there's actually 8 GB of RAM.

At least about 384 to 768 MByte are reserved for the initialization and handling of the installed hardware by the system, depending on the mainboard.

If the built-in CPU also has an integrated graphics unit, Windows can reserve an additional up to 1-2 GB for this, since the so-called "iGPUs" do not have their own graphics memory and therefore have to "nibble" on the built-in RAM.