Free AntiVirus Trial. How do you behave after the expiry?

- in Acer

I bought a new Acer laptop. The laptop is very fast and I'm very satisfied. Now it is common for these one-month free trial versions to be available from some unnecessary third-party provider. Most of the time it's McAfee, now I had a version of Norton Security installed (I couldn't do anything about it either, it was just preinstalled). Now the version expires on 01/02/21. Of course I will not extend this. How should I behave? Does Windows Defender switch on automatically, or is my PC unprotected? Do I have to uninstall Norton, or my PC will drop completely. I've had bad experiences with third-party providers, including free ones like the Antivira. Not that the PC slows down after uninstalling Norton or anything, actually Windows Defender is enough.

I thank you and have a happy new year.


I would uninstall it right away. Windows Defender usually switches itself on if you don't have an ext. Using software. But you can check in the security center


You can uninstall it right away. You don't usually have to do anything else.

Look that the Windows Defender is on


You can also uninstall the entire program now. Nobody forces you to keep this on. Usually these programs have only bought themselves from the PC manufacturer (as / for advertising)