Problems with laptop after the fall?

- in Acer

I have a laptop for 2 years (Acer Aspire i5 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD and 2GB graphics).

Usually I was always happy with this laptop, but it fell on the floor when I was in the airport (lying on a suitcase, in his bag, and the suitcase and laptop fell on the floor).

I have checked the laptop from the outside and no external damage is visible. After this incident, I have the feeling that the laptop is a little crazy - sometimes he works great and sometimes slows down. In Windows cmd I checked "CHKDSK" if there are any "Bad Sectors", but nothing was detected. Likewise I would like to mention that I use Windows 10 Ultimate, which I bought at Rakuten (Windows 10 refurbished license). After the incident with the laptop have this Windows 10 installed, can it be because? Is there a good laptop diagnostic program where I can get smarter?


Is the SSD the only mass storage medium?

Then you could have saved yourself the test with CHKDSK, since SSDs are known to have no mechanical components, which can't be damaged by a fall.

But with 128GB SSD is relatively small, but check how much space is still free, especially when there's only a small amount of space available, SSDs are usually slow. On a SSD at least 10-15% should always be left free.

Other possible causes are increased temperatures, due to the fall, the heat sink may have slipped or partially dissolved inside the heat sink, in which case the cooling would possibly be insufficient and the CPU throttles.


Thank you for your answer. In addition to the SSD, I still have 1 GB hard drive. The SSD is not so crowded, maybe occupied by 40%. Windows 10 is installed on the SSD as it starts up faster.