Can an electrical engineer do that?


Even if the question sounds a bit strange: can an electrical engineer build the electrical devices themselves, such as cameras, cell phones or laptops (THEORETICALLY)? Does he know the basics of these devices and their components?


A really strange question. Even an electrician can't build anything WITHOUT equipment. If the components and tools are available, it only depends on his know-how or competence. Then theoretically "yes".


No, an electrical engineer has training in electrical engineering.

The devices you mentioned contain electronics and can only be built by the electrician by installing complete modules if he is lucky because he knows nothing about electronics.


No, it is not part of the technical school.
What you are looking for is an entire development department, a possible job title for people who work in such development departments would be Electronics Hardware Engineer.
This does not mean that not some electrical engineers are mainly concerned with electronics and also more complex circuits e.g. Develop as a technician job, but not because this is absolutely required in the sense of the technician school, but out of interest in the special topic (other professional qualifications, hobby etc.).


No matter whether master, technician or engineer: This degree is usually Generally held and is the proof of the ability to familiarize yourself with complex matters. With the basics of your studies / school you will get into your first / new job and get yourself to the required level "at level". Ultimately, the "ability" is not only individual but also very often a matter of professional experience. Some things you do, even though they don't suit you… Other things are easier to do and other things are really the thing that you enjoy; the results are corresponding. The key here is specialization!


Why should he have no idea about electronics? That's part of the course.


Oh oh. Electricians - that is, string pullers are (at least by training) not at all familiar with Elektronok. They are electronics technicians who understand something like that, I agree with the remaining statement.


Was asked for one

Electrical engineer

He doesn't have to have completed a degree.


Doesn't he do that at a university of applied sciences?


So I'm a communications electronics technician specializing in radio technology, learned from Rohde & Schwartz and would like to say - I can do that…

I don't have an engineer and I haven't studied…


In terms of content, your profession does not correspond to the state-certified electrical engineer.

I would also strongly doubt that you, me, or anyone else could develop a laptop alone. Semiconductor technology, PCB design, software design etc? No way.


Well, a Raspi, which can also be a PC, is not that hard…

I link my last project… On 80x 100 board, double layer…

I hope you know E.A.G.L.E.!AtGvQjACjCY-rErlI9eNM-UDQ5_f?e=8ztMRw


It depends on what you mean by "build". A single person may screw components together, but that has nothing to do with a development process. Every PC has tens of thousands of years of development, a single person can't do everything, neither in terms of time nor of knowledge. Basics yes, but you don't get very far. Every engineer uses finished components.


Then it is an electrical engineer, also an "electrical engineer" but also an electrician is one…


Then stop technician training.

But there are no electricians anymore, they all have the word electronics technician in their job title.


Don't underestimate electricians. Not everyone, but some!


Well, not a bad joke for a long time!
But well, the electrician is actually called an electrician and is something different than an electronics engineer!


Electricians can also have electronics as a hobby - but they can then be appropriated by themselves or in special training.


You know electricians badly. An electrician usually has Helpers who pull the strings; everything else depends on his know-how.