My laptop goes black (hangs up) after about 2 minutes, also in the BIOS. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

- in Asus

I own an ASUS FX753VE, it has had the problem for a day that it crashes every now and then after 2 hours, but mostly after about two minutes. I tried booting it up in safe mode, but it even crashed in the bios. So it is totally different when it crashes, which I don't understand: /. I then checked the temperatures and everything seems to be normal, the CPU does not reach 50 ° C. Now it is also the case that not even a picture comes up, I turn it on and nothing happens, not even the hard drives run away, but it still heats up slightly.
It's just "relatively" new, which is why I would still want to try my best, do you have any suggestions or do you think it's pointless?


Power supply defective.


Hmm but why could I do something on the laptop for 2 hours in one piece and then the next time it crashed after 2 minutes?