I have the following problem:
My laptop hung quite a bit, so I wanted to reset it.
Everything went well until last night.
My laptop starts to start and you can also see the logo, then a welcome appears.
Then a picture appears where it says something is at 64%, which then disappears immediately and then the cycle begins again with the logo.
The PC is now, I believe, at 64% since 4pm and nothing happens.
What can I do, hilfe?
(Asus R540L laptop)
It could be that something went wrong during the installation. Data is backed up anyway, right? Or did you click on "Reset and keep data"?
Simply create a USB stick or CD with bootable Windows on it and boot from it. Then reinstall it again.
The easiest way is to download the MediaCreationTool on another PC and have it written directly to a USB stick.
If you don't have any important data on it, I would pull down the latest ISO and create a corresponding installation stick using the Media Creation Tool. Then flatten the whole box and put it back cleanly.