Do I need a laptop for my computer science studies?

- in Asus

Wanted to ask if you have a good recommendation for a laptop for my computer science studies. It should have a good performance and should be good for programming. I picked the one out here

but do not know if it is really suitable


Program code consists of pure text, you do not need a high-end laptop for this.

You also don't become a better programmer if the laptop is faster.


Tip from me:

Avoid gimmicks like this touch display in the trackpad. Find a notebook that is robust and that in the course of your experience you can also feed it with a Linux without ending up in the driver's hell.

My pro tip: A Dell XPS 13.

It should be at least a current 4 core i5 with at least 8 GB RAM. If money is not so important, 16 GB RAM and i7 are never wrong. Then you can run crazy development setups with Vagrant and Docker on them, without getting cranky while working.


It's just my opinion but I find this laptop unsuitable.

I would take an IBM Lenovo so I can retrofit and test a lot.

The actual function that accompanied me during my studies in computer science and I never want to do without it is to convert my laptop as a tablet and to be able to write on it. Then with One Note I always had all lectures and materials ready.


You have never checked out a nodejs project including dependencies and edited it with more than the notepad, have you? Or a larger Java project with maven or gradle: -D

Whereby… Mid-end device is probably a good choice for pure study.


You also don't become a better programmer if the laptop is faster.

Not that, but there's a computer science degree vmtl. Rarely from pure programming. For my part, I like to be able to use 1-2 VMs when I need it.


Especially since many students also come up with a project idea that they may want to pursue in order to be able to start up later. So having a well-dimensioned device from the outset does no harm.


That's exactly why I looked for such a laptop. The one I sent can be used as a tablet as I saw it


Above all because you can sometimes have projects through your studies and I like to be independent of the devices that may be provided by the university / university (stand computer).


Well, I'm in the first semester and have to learn 2 programming languages and as I have seen with friends who do not have a powerful laptop… It takes a long time if they do a bit bigger programming and execution