Laptop hangs on the home screen?

- in Asus

I'm in possession of an Asus notebook. I was just asked to restart my laptop for an update of Windows 10. The laptop took a long time to download and has stopped again and again. Now the update should be finished. When I turn on the laptop, it just hangs from the home screen. He doesn't respond to anything. I have turned it on and off several times, but it keeps stopping at the same place. Already waited a few hours, but nothing has changed. The clock keeps running, but otherwise everything is down. Does anyone know anything and can help me? Would be very grateful!


Something went wrong when updating. You can restore Windows. You have to get into Windows repair mode. After that, go to Windows with a restore point reset or something similar.

The repair mode can be reached by removing power 3 times during the Windows startup.



When laptop have always little leeway, otherwise said, sometimes without graphics card to start. So only with the GPU from the mainboard.

So can be halted that the update has broken your windows. It doesn't happen that rarely. May have been an error on the hard disk while copying an important file etc.

I have no idea.

I mean, it sounds like the keyboard is not working, so maybe you do not get the splash screen? Because he expects some input.


I'm in repair mode, but the mousepad does not respond. So I can't choose anything.


Can also be due to many apps


It should work with arrow keys and Enter