Laptop (Asus) can't play DVD?

- in Asus

My laptop, a 5 year old ASUS with Windows 10 can't play older DVDs (DVDs from the early years of this medium) …

What could I do to watch these DVDs anyway?

On a regular DVD player they go without problems.


It is not worth replacing the drive of the laptop. Could buy an external drive and connect it to the laptop. But financially it may not be worthwhile in streaming times anymore.


Think this is due to the hardware. Replace DVD device, or procure a contemporary with USB interface.


The drive only has problems with old DVDs. Everything else works. Could it be synonymous s.einer DVD driver?


At the driver rather not, possibly at missing codecs. WIN10 brings so no really universal media player with more. Either search for codecs, or try with the current VLC player. That a just five-year-old DVD drive Can't play, is unlikely…


With Win10 you have the latest drivers for most devices, though not necessarily with older devices. Since you could look at the manufacturer of the Labtops, whether the current offers.


My suspicion would be that it is a problem with copy protection.

One could still try to change the country code.


The DVD has country code 2. Is there copy protection that prevents playback on PCs?


Jo, so there's no genrelles does not work on the PC, there are some drives that have problems with the copycats.


There were CD's and DVD's, which got a copy protection to prevent that they can be played on the PC and copied.

Try to use the VCL player (not the app from the store) for DVD's, should be able to play almost all DVD's again.