Is it possible to use a mobile phone (which is plugged in) in the bathtub or not?


Have an urgent question here. My husband has just taken a bath. When I briefly went to the bathroom, I saw how he had his cell phone, which was hanging on the socket in his hand. I said, "Look, this is dangerous, it has been on the radio lately that it can be deadly."

My husband said only: "Oh, the old horror story with the hair dryer which falls into the tub.First, this applies only to Föne and not for other electrical appliances, especially the new ones are super protected there Second, the whole must be in an old building, where the tubs are not yet "grounded".

He then took his laptop, which stood on a stool next to the tub and was also connected to the power and put it on his knees, which were above the water level. He said, "I could let that fall in now."

I just said, "Yeah, you need to know what you're doing" and I'm back in the living room now. Have tried asking our lawyer for information but reach no one, what do you think? LG


There's a Chinese proverb which means that ignorance does not make you afraid and then you can make many mistakes or dangers. For example, when I was 9 I used to go swimming in a river, with 2 friends who were 2 years older than me. The water went down to my throat, the flow was so strong that I would have been dead if the friend had not held my hand in the second. That was dangerous. Because of my ignorance.

I see the same situation here with her husband. Here is the missing knowledge: water conducts electricity. If the water comes between the charging socket and the end of the charging cable (which is in the socket), it can very well be possible (that it will happen) that the current flowing into the mobile phone will be led by the water, and that through the whole basin. And since her husband nunmal made of water, the charge is also forwarded in it… Well possible that the foen gets a greater current strength (equal to more electricity) per time than the handy. But that the number of Stromstserke of the mobile phone is not dangerous I can't say. I can't give enough information about the laptop - I never took any e-teaching haha


Normally nothing happens, even if the device falls into the water (the person, of course, the device is at least temporarily damaged).


A few months ago went through the press times that a power supply of a well-known manufacturer tended to make an electrically conductive connection between the primary and secondary circuit, which of course also represents such a security risk, but especially in conjunction with bathtub.

So: If low voltage device in the bath, then battery, and if power supply, then with isolation transformer.

As far as earthing is concerned, on the contrary, there's no danger with an ungrounded tank because the current can't drain away. (But in old buildings, the sewage pipes are made of metal, so that there the wells are rather grounded.) The fresh water pipes are regularly made of copper and well grounded. D. H., if the power supply has a connection between primary and secondary side, there's danger to life.

The report from the radio that such a thing can end fatally is therefore not exaggerated.


A few months ago, the press said that a power supply from a well-known manufacturer tended to produce an electrically conductive connection between the primary and secondary circuits…

Not noticed. Apple or Samsung?

I hate that! Already had several chargers from the two who suffered from this problem.

I'm always suspicious of these switching power supplies, for that matter… I always have the uneasy feeling that mains voltage could be on the USB: /


Exactly I do not know it anymore, but probably one of the two has been. Probably even Apple - I mean, to remember corresponding Häme in the comments.


I check each (!) Switching power supply, which finds its way into my household, first with the Duspol. When felt every second indicates what when I hold him to the ground (feedback capacitor, which hopefully is a reasonably reasonable Y2, which is difficult to verify… If an optocoupler was already too expensive in production) …


That you can it has indeed proved your husband. Why you try to reach a lawyer at midnight, who would also be the wrong contact for power issues, probably only you know.

The question will probably be more in how far this can really be life-threatening. If not just an extension cord with AC power is in the game that can fall into the tub, I see it as completely harmless, at least from the electricity ago for humans (water for the Elekronikgerät looks different).

By the way, the grounded tub has another reason, because it's about lightning. If you are in a non-grounded tub, the power can fall through what you want, there can be no current flow through the body because there's no connection to the opposite pole.

Now at most a defect could be present at the power supply whereby also the secondary coil (thus connected to the plug on the device) carries the current phase from the mains. But this carries much more danger if one touches the plug while standing, so has a connection to the earth (possibly still barefoot with wet foot, by the way, this is the reason why an FI is written down).