Laptop makes strange noises and housing does not work?


I bought my laptop cheap on Ebay classifieds. After a few days, I noticed that he was making strange noises. Seems to be the fan. Anyway, I did not really care about the first time, because this was very rare and the fan could not break that much anyway.

Have the laptop after about 1 year time to try to disassemble, because it was getting worse and some small plastic parts rattled somewhere in there. Did not quite get it, but got the plastic parts out. Goods ~ 8 small plastic parts. No idea where they came from.

Did not turn on the laptop ~ 1 month and since then he is very loud at every start. The fan turns the wheel until it calms down again. Most of the time he rattles on very softly. Depending on the angle of the laptop, it is louder or quieter. At certain angles completely silent.

The sounds are unfortunately not reasonable for other people. So what can I do? How much would a repair cost? Should I unscrew it myself and see if I can get it? Recently, the whole plastic did not want to go. All screws had been off.


A repair is hardly worth it. I would try to remove the plastic cover. Maybe the one with a kind closure is again secured.

Noises in the room? Cr Creamraylan
Laptop makes strange noises? sa samanthaInch33