Laptop makes strange noises?


I have had my laptop for a couple of months and it just made strange noises, it sounded like it had a buzz or something, does anyone know what it is and what I can do about it?


That was most likely the fan, that's quite normal.


There are a maximum of 3 mechanical components in a Lptop.

These are the fan, the drive and the HDD (hard disk).

In all likelihood it will have been the fan, which gets louder over time due to wear and tear and dirt when it turns up.

But it can also have been the hard drive, during a write process, or the drive, because you have inserted a DVD or CD.

To identify this further, it would be good if you write down what you have been doing on the laptop a short time before.


So once I had a few aggresions because of a game, which is why I hit it with full power 😅😅 and that's been the case since then, I also took out the DvD but don't dare to do it again.


It doesn't sound normal at all…


Ohh hurt then my above mentioned tips will unfortunately not help you. The problem is caused by a deliberate act with the power to admit a defect. Either you take the lappi apart and look for visual damage or dare to put it on and listen to where the pain is. This information is not guaranteed


Does it have to be because of that?


I assume very strongly that the problem can be traced back to this. Unfortunately, Lptops are anything but robust. The device is never 100% forgiving of such actions.