Windows fingerprint without a pin?


I have a laptop with an integrated fingerprint sensor. I use the Windows 10 Pro operating system. I have a super secure password with lots of special characters and numbers, so optimal. In addition, I would like to use my fingerprint because it is faster and is similarly secure. However, to activate this, I have to set a number password, which in turn is easier to crack. Can I somehow bypass this number password or do I actually have to disable the fingerprint if I want to have a secure device?


As far as I know, you can make the number password infinitely long


You can also enter letters etc. In the pin so that you can simply enter your PW there.

However, your fingerprint is easy to forge, so it is not particularly secure! And all of this doesn't work unless you have activated BitLocker, which encrypts your hard drive. If someone really wants your data, the person can simply remove the plate and take it with them and use e.g. Linux read your data from. ^^


Okay thanks! Basically, I'm only concerned that friends, family, etc. Can't access it. So I'm less afraid of this kind of theft. But thanks, I'll try. LG