Laptop Camera to USB?


I would like to make the built-in laptop camera to a USB camera but I have a problem connecting the cables.

The USB cable is all clear but the problem is that the camera has 6 cables. I've been watching tutorials but they did not work.

USB cable:



Brown / Orange

Black and white are twisted at the camera, which is why I assume that there are data cables.

Apparently, the yellow cable is the ground.

I've soldered everything together a few times, and it's not recognized by Windows. (Error requesting USB device descriptor.)

I also did it once without the + Connected why logically a mistake came, but if I've connected any cable nothing happens anymore. The error disappears but also the device from the device manager

I would be very happy about help and thank you in advance


I'm not the electronic technician, but a USB cable to the Cam ranzulöten brings nothing in my eyes.


But you can then use this camera like a normal webcam etc. For me, for example, it would come as a security camera in mind since there were certain incidents times


Without a schematic you can only rumraten.

Such a USB camera is available for very, very, very cheap money.


Yes ok can be good yes. Such a camera module with a USB cable you get for 2 euro


To my knowledge, it is basically possible (the effort is of course much too high, instead of the lousy internal webcams not just a ready to buy USB webcam).

However, some of the internal webcams should run over 3.3 volts instead of the external 5 volts. You then need a DC-DC converter:

I would turn to solving the allocation problem to my friends: They would then measure for me with multimeter and oscilloscope, the occupancy of the lines during operation with a USB webcam and an internal laptop cam and the voltages applied, or the use compare the data lines.

Since I can't rent my friends, my solution will help you only limited.


Well, assuming this camera uses USB signals, where the number of cables speaks against it, otherwise you would probably have to program your own driver, and even that works only if the signals are digital and you, as already mentioned by qugart, a Schlatplan have.