How can I persuade my mother to use a laptop?


I need your help.

I would like to have a laptop and I can understand it if my mother does not want to pay for it myself. However, when I say that I would buy the laptop myself, she always denies it and says that, as always, you can only get one from the age of 18.

The unfair thing is that my big brother just got his laptop at the age of 12, and I can't even buy one myself.

Otherwise, she always says I should learn to handle money myself, but maybe someone has some advice how I could persuade her?


But that is old fashioned thought of your mother.

Nowadays, there are even extra computer classes at school. If you do not have your own laptop, you lose the (technical) connection. My Short has also got a laptop at 12. She likes to watch youtube videos and it's amazing what she's all gotten for knowledge from it.

One argument that actually (almost) always draws is that you need things for the school. In fact, it is often the case that the school often demands to research certain information on the Internet. My short had to create even in class 8 an environmental department, where the appearance of the file had to meet very specific criteria. Also, she must now create a video file in the subject of music, which implements a particular piece of music medially. It does not work without a laptop (PC).

These days you really do not come around a calculator.


Like many parents today, your mother may have difficulty assessing how to handle media and children. I think you might be able to pick a video or an article by explaining how best to deal with it these days. Because it is not uncommon that children from about 12 already have limited access to their own laptop.


How does your mother think that a laptop is only 18 years old? I have not heard that in my life. You can always use a laptop. So I can't quite understand that in your place why she does not allow you to buy a laptop from their own money. I assume that you have asked this question on your phone. So if you have a cell phone then I would not understand it in the least where the meaning lies in the whole thing of your mother. In your place, I would ask her why she thinks that a laptop is only 18 years old. I would ask her exactly what she has against it when you buy a laptop from their own money.