Blue screen after starting Minecraft with OBS?



I have a question:

If I have OBS open, then start Minecraft, I get a blue screen with a graphics driver error… But on the one hand I have the integrated and on the other hand a dedicated amd radeon in it…

Minecraft alone is doing well, OBS alone, why is that? Sure, it's up to the drivers, but why? It's only when I started OBS and Mc at the same time…

Am frog for every answer, because otherwise I have to record with a strange recording program that eats a lot of memory (3GB per 15 min recording are a bit much for 720p at 50fps…)

Oh yes, and could someone give me OBS settings for my laptop?


CPU: i5 2400 (yes 2nd Gen xD)

GPU: Integrated intel HD graphics 3000 and AMD radeon HD 7400M Series

Ram: 8gb


Could you test your encoder on software?

So for streams: Settings → Output → Streaming tab → Encoder on software (x264)

For recordings: Settings → Output → Recording tab → Recording on software (x264)

Have a slight suspicion that the GPU can't do the encoding and rendering at the same time.

Would be worth at least trying to narrow down the causes.


Thank you. 'Ll Versu it - - - - Tot leider unfortunately did not work 😒 the same blue screen again after a while (5s) where I had both open


Open enough, or do you also have to take something with OBS?


Wanted to record something with OBS…


Well, does it smear when you press the button? Or does it smear if you only start OBS?


It already smears if I only have it open


Can you completely disable the sound on the system and see if it works? Not that there are two arguing over the audio output.

Otherwise, have a look at the log file:

A log file from OBS should be created on your system, there you should find a hint.


So just volume to 0 (mute)?


No, you should completely deactivate the audio device.

But maybe have a look at the log file first before you reconfigure something - it would only be a good idea, or rather an attempt.


Since you can copy the log text.

You can share the link here.


Your graphics card driver probably has a problem.

Uninstall and reinstall it.