Microsoft Surface error diagnosis?


A few months ago, my grandmother gave me a Surface pro 4 that she hadn't needed. However, she no longer had a charging cable and the battery is broken. Unfortunately it is no longer there. And I don't know if it was just the battery or other things are broken. However, I bought a charger today and when I have it in it works so far without any problems, but when I pull the cable it goes off immediately. The battery icon never goes higher either. How expensive is the repair and can I make a free fault diagnosis? The laptop is already completely reset but I'm afraid that it is more than just the battery.


A repair is almost impossible.

To get to the battery, you have to access the internal components via the display. A bit like a newer cell phone.

But since the display is relatively large and relatively thin, it is "guaranteed" to break.

A battery exchange costs around 400 - 500 euro


Oh dear. And is there no other option? The guarantee is long gone and


Unfortunately, no:/

That's the big problem with these incredibly compact devices.


Apple crate has a battery from the Surface with all the tools it needs for 83 Chf, maybe I'll try it myself because otherwise I can get myself a Go 2 right away. Without a good battery, it's just homework


Try to settle it on goodwill ✌


In what way? It is from 2017 and there's no guarantee, purchase slip or anything else.


Can you bend ^^

Sorry, but Microsoft won't do that.


Is an option. But I guarantee you will break the screen. You can turn it on and press it lightly on the screen. You can see how the glass of the display bulges inwards. As fast as it does, it breaks too quickly.

I would just use it at home and organize a new device.

I've had a Surface Pro 3 for many years. Battery is "ok". But the touch display is broken. It started at the top of a corner and could no longer be operated via touch. At some point it was half and then the whole screen.

Unfortunately, the device always recognized input from the display that I never made. In the end I uninstalled the driver for the Touch and just use it as a laptop.

Then I treated myself to an Ipad 12.9 - I have absolutely no regrets.

Is then of course an ios system and no more Windoof. (use windoof yourself ^^) You have to decide for yourself what you want there. In any case, I'll never buy a Microsoft system again. The support is terrible.


Well, thank you very much for your opinion and contribution. Yeah then I'll let it be. I'm saving for a Surface book 3 🥴 anyway


Ohw. Surfacebook is much worse ^^

seriously - this is a cool product. But don't do that.

There's SO MUCH BETTER for the price


I've been following the Surface Book 2/3 for a year and I've got it on my mind 😂 and you say I shouldn't do it 😭. How so? 🤔🧐


For that, I'll dig a little.

At the time of the Surfacebook 1 and 2, I was working in a media market that sold these devices.
I was so impressed with the models that I really wanted one. Before that, I had already bought a Surface Pro3 and was relatively satisfied with it during that time. (The problems of the Pro3 came later)

A Surfacebook is of course not a pro3 - the performance is much higher with a Book. However, there are also restrictions.

So I borrowed the demonstration device for several days and tried it out properly. It was the second generation (the model I had borrowed was around 2800 euro) man I celebrated that thing. The detachable display in particular was extremely nice. However, I never used it?! There was just no use for me. Did I still want that thing? Naturally!

Battery performance was good (8h normal use) Display was good and not too small and the design was also super pretty.

. The tide turned after I tried to gamble on it. Sure, that's not what it's built for. But at almost 3000 euro you should expect that you can play games like World of Tanks etc on medium settings. Puff cake. The fun ran for 10 minutes on low settings. After that the thing was absolutely overheated and turned the power down so that the game was unplayable.

There we have the big problem with the Surfacebook. The thing gets boiling hot so quickly that the thing minimizes the performance so much that you can hardly do anything more demanding with it.

That really disappointed me very much. When I returned the device, I knew that this was not an option for me.

A few months later, when we sold the device a few times, customers started bringing it back. There were many reasons for this. Sometimes the screen no longer worked, sometimes the catch to remove the "tablet" was defective and could no longer open. Sometimes the device got so hot with customers that it simply went off. Either way, there was an above-average problem that the Surfacebook 2 was brought back. The first model also had its teething troubles - but not nearly like the second.

Now we're on the third model. I don't know exactly how it is here. But I'm sure that for THE MONEY what such a thing costs, much more is possible. And that doesn't have to be thicker etc. There are simply devices that are also very thin, look chic and also have enough cooling for their performance.

From my point of view: Buy a 1300 euro notebook with which you can do anything you want. (Also graphics applications such as games, video editing etc)

and an Ipad + pen for 700 euro. You are going to get the same amount of money, but you have top products in both areas that don't want to combine both and fail miserably.

Microsoft products are even more expensive than Apple and have poorer basic equipment (cam, loudspeaker, battery, housing, etc.). Microsoft devices are no longer an option for me.


I understand, I'm very convinced of the products and have seen many reviews that think it is good. Maybe the problems were just so bad at the start but got better with updates. Which laptop would you recommend to me?


Absolutely awesome box. For 1500 euro you get an absolutely cool, almost borderless IPS Full HD display with! 144hz! A very narrow case (not thicker than Surfacebook) with an i7 processor from the latest generation with 12 cores. Top. The processor doesn't turn down that much because cooling is better.

Have 16gb DDR4 with 3000mhz which are absolutely sufficient for the future.
Ne (relatively) thick graphics card is also included with 6GB GDDR6 ram. The 1660ti is quite capable of firing something like GTA5 with full settings. Incidentally, it is an RTX 1660ti with ray tracing.

The only thing that is scarce here is the 256GB memory. But that wouldn't be better in a SurfaceBook.
The Surfacebook has the big problem that all relevant hardware elements are in the tablet. Sure, otherwise you couldn't separate it from the keyboard. And the tablet just has a snot cooling. That's why things overheat so quickly.

For a few € more you get the same with 512gb ssd internally. You can't get around an external disk anyway.

Absolutely awesome thing. If you buy this, tell me where you live that I can steal it from you. Haha.

As a tablet, I would look used.

Also an absolutely awesome tablet. It's basically what I have and I'm super happy with it.