What should I do if the PC is completely frozen?


I have not been able to do anything for 10 minutes. The mouse can be moved, but I can't click anything. The screen and Windows 10 are completely frozen. Also the keyboard does not react. That means I can't even open the Task Manager. Of course, this Windows key + R does not work either. I can't even turn off the laptop by pressing a button as the keyboard does not work. There's no separate button / switch. I can't even unplug the battery and unplug it, because the battery is firmly installed in the laptop. To my knowledge, I can't do anything but ignore it and wait for it to drop. Or does anyone have an idea?

Could be because the hard drive is quite full, have recently installed a new game


Almost every laptop has a reset or bios button.

The information can be found on the internet (you'll probably need something spiky like a needle to press it)


Give the computer time, may be that the keys in one hour or so work again.


Long press on the power button?


I already have. But the keyboard does not react as I said


Hmm reset sounds like that would be back to the factory settings and everything would be gone. And regarding BIOS, I read only that it is a key combination, which is not possible


Long press on the power button, if that does not help pull the straightener b.z.w on the power supply off the power. When doing this, make sure the power is disconnected for at least 10 seconds.

So do not go out very quickly and get in again


Ah, I found him haha.


No reset only means that it restarts


Pull plug and go back to the net. Rule moderate care of the FP is top priority when the computer is to run again.

Uninstall hard disk. Important files and programs that are not always needed to use an external FP cleaning program, there are free on the Internet and pull the whole thing at regular intervals, just so you manage to keep your computer running


No thing.

Laptop frozen? ma makenziealonso
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Laptop frozen? - 1 Ma Mailman59