IPad Pro + Apple Pencil 2?


I'm currently in the 1st year of training and at our school it is unfortunately not allowed to write on laptops or IPads etc. However, since I always create index cards / learning sheets, I have now ordered the new iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil to create my learning sheets at home in the future.

What are your experiences with learning with the iPad? Is it the same as if you learn with index cards / learning notes or is it somehow distracting etc?

My question also explicitly relates to learning at home and not to write it down at a university or vocational school.

My only concern is that the material does not stay as it is when I write on paper, because I notice a lot through the writing.


I personally completed my studies with the iPad Mini 4, which was much smaller than yours and it was still extremely useful. I think the combination you have is great!

And the distraction is just a matter of the head.


I will get exactly the same equipment this August and can only recommend all of it to you. I've watched several videos and interviewed friends, and they all have apps like goodnotes, which are particularly helpful during the Corona crisis, but otherwise. There are certainly also apps for index cards and on this large area it is probably a better experience when learning! If you want to make presentations or documents, you can do it on your device, just like you would on a computer. But I have to say that I buy the apple magic keyboard.


It just distracted me and you stop working properly because you can easily correct everything. Can't recommend it.


I've also thought about the keyboard, but I'm not sure yet because I still have a keyboard from my old iPad Air 2. Just take a look. There are a lot of apps out there. It is very difficult to decide.


Do you recommend a device that you do not yet own according to the motto "I heard that it should be good"?


Well, I got it borrowed from a friend for a week when there was work to do and I was also very knowledgeable about the updates. Maybe it was still inappropriate, but is it that bad? Then I apologize 😕


So I don't worry about "dirty". When it comes to learning sheets, index cards, transcripts, I'm always super neat. Only when it looks really nice and the most important things are highlighted with highlighters, then I start to learn


Don't buy a new keyboard if you already have one! ^^ The keyboard should also be heavier and is also quite expensive. As long as you have one, it's fine


The main problem is distraction


In what way? So I would turn off notifications anyway (Instagram, SMS, calls, etc.) or do you mean distraction because of something else?