Get to know people, if you are always somewhere else?


I (w / 15) would like to meet a little more people, but I do not know how.

The problem is that I'm always traveling a lot because of my parents' job. I do school on the laptop. So I can't sign up with an association, because we change the location every few weeks. Also, I find it hard to approach people, I'm rather shy and when I'm doing small talk, I'm always a little scared that I'm saying something wrong. Of course, I can also get to know people via the Internet, for example in a forum. But that's just not enough. Do you have an idea?


Of course this is very difficult… Just start to trust people as soon as you get in a new city… If you go awry, you'll leave soon anyway


I will try it 😅


Every time I go to the Internet, I would call up the event calendar of the next town, see what interests me and then go there. Then you are guaranteed to meet people with the same interests.