Have the feeling to become more stupid - what to do?


According to IQ-Test, I had an IQ of 104 at the age of 15 and an IQ of 114 in a second test at the age of 17, which is on average. Nevertheless, I feel that as I grow older (I'm now 22) I become more stupid.

For example, when someone tells a simple joke in the group, I always take longer than anyone else to get the joke. It is also very difficult for me to think at work and to work independently; You always have to give me very precise instructions and talk to me slowly so that I do not forget or do anything wrong. And sometimes I think I even get it because I forget something so often. It used to be like that, but now I've become even slower, lazy and forgetful. My boss even thinks it would be questionable.

But you have to say that I usually sleep too little, move me little (except when working), often lie with the laptop in bed the whole day and incidentally I eat quite unhealthy (especially fast food and sweets). Maybe that also matters?

My question is, what can I do to permanently increase my mental performance? Is that still possible at this age?


You know it yourself: move, sleep enough and eat well.
That will not be detrimental in any case. In addition, you should have your thyroid readings checked. I also had this feeling not to come along until my family doctor stumbled over it and my thyroid was treated.


As you have already correctly recognized, you stand yourself in the way.

too little sleep is the first. When I sleep too little, I notice that my head moves every unimportant thought into focus and thus the essential is lost, besides, I obviously speak much indistinctly…

I did not do sport until some time ago, (I swear I give this tip for the 173rd time) but cycling / running is wonderful to clear my head to think and sleep better.

Inferior entertainment is also a big problem, unfortunately it is less easy to fix. It is important not to do anything, even if that does not please the mind. Unhealthy eating habits can also be attributed to this. In the ideal case, you would have a hobby, where you can't eat (mechanics, woodworking, something where sometimes the hands are dirty)


I can speak here from personal experience and tell you that unnecessary surfing etc. Is strongly related to loss of concentration. I'm not some 80-year-old, who wants to spoil everything on the Internet here, but social media, unnecessary YT videos, etc. Have actually do something with it. And that's something that I suppose belongs to your everyday life ("… Lying in bed with your laptop the whole day…")