My droppings don't want to get out?


So when I'm sitting on my laptop and watching or programming some YouTube videos or games etc. I always have a feeling that I have to go to the toilet. When I go I still have this feeling but when I'm in the loo this feeling stops. Even when I'm next to the toilet, it stops.


I feel the same way when I'm sitting on the laptop!


How do you watch videos when you are sitting on the laptop? 😃

Maybe that's just a tension.


Get more exercise and drink a lot. If it doesn't get better, you can try laxatives. Otherwise, you should go to the doctor.


He has an eye in the back, so poop doesn't work.


Discuss this "problem" with your family doctor! He will probably prescribe more exercise and healthy eating for you, then everything will take care of itself.


Thank you! After more than 10 tries it is now out.



Ok, that's a waste of money. You could also just put your feet on the toilet seat. You get a little piss on your underpants but better.

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