Is that worth a normal CPU?


I bought a used notebook through classifieds today. Before I formatted the notebook, the CPU value was almost 100%. Every 20 minutes the mouse froze completely when I started downloading something. The notebook runs on i7 of the 8th generation and has 2 cores and 4 logical processors.

At the moment when I open Internet Explorer as an example, the CPU value increases to 78% for one second and then decreases again to 20%. If I have YouTube and 2 programs like Word or Excel, the CPU is almost 60-70%. For example, if I connect to the Internet, the CPU reaches a value of 100% for almost 30 seconds before it drops to 70 and then fluctuates between 35 and 70. Is that normal? In 'idle' the CPU fluctuates to 3-7%


It can be that the laptop is dusty and overheated and thus draws more power, at 100 it should not be used to capacity, with such trivialities.

Hold the vacuum cleaner up to the fan slots if there's dust.

When it comes to cooling, there's an extra USB fan to put underneath.


That depends on what kind of cpu it is.

This is relatively normal for a dual core.

The processors with the u at the end are all very slow, regardless of whether they are preceded by an i5 or i7, they really don't deserve the name.


I bought a used notebook through classifieds today. Before I formatted the notebook, the CPU value was almost 100%. Every 20 minutes the mouse froze completely when I started downloading something. The notebook runs on i7 of the 8th generation and has 2 cores and 4 logical processors.

Because garbage software / viruses etc. / virus scanners… Were on it

or because, for example, the software for the Synaptics Touchpod is causing problems again (Info: windows update always installs this against your will)

prevent various things from autostart via task manager & Sysinternals "autoruns" (you have to know what you are doing!)

In windows you can still deactivate a lot with O & Osu10 & services.msc, but you have to know what you are doing!

Also clean the cooling system thoroughly (= laptop must be opened or dismantled at the bottom!) & If necessary, replace the thermal paste


When it comes to cooling, there's an extra USB fan to put underneath.

They bring almost nothing!

Hold the vacuum cleaner up to the fan slots if there's dust.

This is just a rough cleaning with limited success, but significantly better than nothing


When it comes to laptops, I hardly know anything better for someone who doesn't want to break his case.


Which CPU is it? An I7 8th Gen and then 2c / 4t sounds a little bit little